
How much does an online personal trainer cost?

A question which most people often wonder is what is the actual cost of online personal training, and what is it?  Unlike what most people think, Online personal training could be very affordable. Many online trainers out there have great programs for prices ranging from $50 a month to $500 a month. Here, at Inhometrainer, we […]

10 reasons why fitness trainers can change your life

Fitness trainers fall into that category of people who are capable of changing your life. Sometimes all it takes is a positive personality and someone who knows what they are talking about to make a huge, positive impact on your life and wellbeing. Here are just 10 reasons why fitness trainers can change your life: […]

Vegan Personal Trainer

At Inhome Trainers we are also specialists in the vegan way of life. We understand the benefits of this lifestyle choice and can cater for your needs when it comes to training and nutrition plans. Being healthy is being balanced, and provided you take in the adequate amount of nutrients, including protein, for your body […]

Personal Training for condo on the rise

Personal Training in condo You may wonder ‘what exactly is personal training in condo?’ It’s a good question. Condo (short for condominium) ownership is on the rise in Canada, and many people are choosing the convenience of hiring a Personal Trainer to come to them at their condo over going out to visit the gym. Condo […]