
Personal training with knee pain

Your knee is one of the most frequently used joints in the body. While popping painkillers and getting plenty of rest may provide you temporary relief from knee pain, it could be best to opt for physiotherapy for the knee. Knee strengthening exercises are designed to strengthen knee muscles and reduce pain. Here are a […]

personal training and dealing with shoulder pain

The shoulder is among the most mobile joints in the body and offers a wide range of movement. While relaxing and taking painkillers may provide temporary relief, physiotherapy is the most effective form of healing. Physiotherapy offers a wide range of treatments that help manage pain and improve flexibility. This allows patients to get back to […]

Our Top 4 Core Exercises For A Flat Stomach

The core and stomach is the area which most men and women alike want to tone and strengthen. But why and what is it? The core of the body is broadly considered to be the torso. Functional movements are highly dependent on this part of the body. Abs tend to be the favourite part of the […]

5 Weight Loss Tips

Was losing weight a part of your New Year’s resolutions? While there are several ways to lose weight quickly, most of them involve opting for unhealthy crash diets or weight loss pills. Rest assured, there are plenty of healthy ways to shed a few pounds. Here are a few effective weight loss tips you should […]

Shed body fat with HIIT Training

A popular fitness trend in 2014 seems to be the ever growing popularity of HIIT Training. (high intensity interval training) HIIT training can be used with just about any client type.  The beauty of HIIT training is our clients tend to get faster results than just an ordinary workout. The basic premise of HIIT training […]