Hyatt Regency- Toronto and inhometrainer!

You don’t have to break your fitness routine when you travel.

A personal trainer while you travel

inhometrainer is pleased to announce our recent joint venture with the Hyatt Regency in Toronto.  The Hyatt Regency offers a spacious 24-hour Hyatt StayFit Gym with a spectacular view of the city. Fully equipped with state-of-the art cardiovascular equipment, integrated LCD screens, and full selection of free weights and other fitness essentials. Start your day with an invigorating workout… or end your day in a relaxing sauna.  However no workout would be complete without the professional guidance of a certified personal trainer!

At inhometrainer our programs can be tailored to each and every individual.  Most business trips do not make considerations for participant’s personal health. Too often, schedules are crammed in the most time-efficient way possible. However this doesn’t mean you can’t focus on your fitness. When your mind is engaged, your body should be as well.  To avoid any unnecessary injuries it’s important not to overexert yourself with new equipment. Our personal trainers are highly qualified and are always certified to ensure you receive a safe and enjoyable workout. They will create a program based on your goals and leave you feeling invigorated while you enjoy your stay in the Hyatt Regency Toronto.

We look forward to training with you!

Price: 1 Session $85 + tax.

Price: 3 session pack. $80 per session + tax.

*Please note appointments get booked up quickly, so please ensure to contact us immediately to arrange your training.


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