How to shed holiday pounds quickly!

Here are some great tips from our personal trainers.  Shed holiday weight quickly!

In Home Personal Trainer

#1.  Exercise.  This may be a no brainer, but to burn excess body fat you need to exercise.  Anything that gets your heart rate elevated (within a safe zone) will help burn away those extra holiday pounds.

Tips.  Go for a long walk or run or how about a circuit of exercises indoors.   Sample inhometrainer circuit: Planks, mountain climbers, stairs, push-ups and crunches.  (30-sec to 1 minute for each exercise. Repeat 3 or 4 x)

#2. Eat less.  Over the holidays we tend to eat more which results in weight gain.  Try small balanced meals/snacks every 2.5hour 3.5 hours.  This will increase your energy levels.  With increased energy levels your body will be able to burn more body fat.

#3.  Limit the carbohydrates.  Try eating a diet that consists of more protein and vegetables.  You will feel lighter and your body will thank you for it. Tips. fish, nuts, tofu, lean white meat and eggs are all good sources of protein.

#4. Get an inhometrainer.  Our personal trainers are pro’s at helping you burn body fat quickly.  Get a head start this New Year by booking a taster session with a certified personal trainer.  It includes measurements, nutrition planning and a first workout to help you feel FIT and HEALTHY!

Call 905 872-4637 or Toll Free: 1 888 905 8724

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Our in home personal trainer programs are tailored to each and every individual.  All of our clients receive a personalized program, nutritional guidance, health assessments, measurements and accountability.  Any age and fitness level are welcome and no equipment is necessary.

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Personal Training Gift Card

In Home Trainer Gift cards are eligible for all of the GTA, York Region, Oakville, Mississauga, Brampton, Durham Region, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Calgary, Ottawa, Edmonton and Vancouver. Limit 1 per customer. May purchase additional as gifts.

This is a limited time offer so hurry up and save today!

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