Personal Trainer in Kelowna


If you’re searching for a personal trainer in Kelowna, Inhome Trainer can help!

We have many Professional Trainers on our books, all of whom are certified, meaning that we can help you select the one who is right for you.

Because our Trainers come to you in the comfort of your own home, you don’t have to waste precious time heading out to the gym every time you want to workout, nor do you have to pay for expensive gym membership fees.

  • Personalized fitness programs with photo and video illustration

  • Full fitness assessments and body composition testing

  • Rewards program earning points for every session completed with inhometrainer

  • Programs that help shed body fat, increase flexibility and strengthen your body

  • Over 20,000 in-home personal training sessions completed and counting

  • No Equipment is necessary

  • Meal Plans and nutrition counselling included

To get started quickly we recommend filling out the form provided and you will be contacted shortly by a certified in home personal trainer.
OR CALL NOW: 1 888 905 8724

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