A 4 weeks program that works.
How badly do you WANT those results that will give you that shredded physique you desire without having to sign up for a costly gym membership or personal trainer?
In this post we are going to send you on a high-intensity journey to successville, and you’ll be happy to know that this plan will work incredibly well for rapid fat loss and it’ll also help you shift the last few stubborn pounds if you’re nearing your goal post but in need of an extra “kick” to get you over it.
This plan involves progressive gym-based workouts for your convenience – a firm mixture of cardio and bodyweight exercises that will see you reaping the benefits of this seriously varied and finely honed LEAN machine-making program.
You will get 5 workouts which you can repeat over the course of a month and a sample food plan to go with it.
What do you need to do to succeed in getting ripped at home? It’s easy!
Follow the workouts and stick to the nutrition, after all, abs are made in the kitchen!

The Workouts
Day 1:
15 minutes cardio at a steady pace (we recommend jogging.)
10 burpees.
10 squat thrusts.
10 lying leg raises.
60 seconds hold in plank position.
Day 2:
30 minutes cardio at a steady pace representing 60% of your maximum heart rate (breathing should be heavier, holding a full conversation with ease should be troublesome at this point to give you an idea as to how this level should be represented physically.)
After completing the cardio section, please perform the following six times over:
15 lying leg raises.
15 crunches.
60 seconds in left hand side plank.
60 seconds in right hand side plank.
20 total Russian twists.
Day 3:
30 minutes cardio – perform 1 minute at sprint speed, and 1 minute at a gentle pace for active recovery. Alternate between the two speeds until 4 minutes total have been completed.
15 burpees.
15 squat thrusts.
15 lying leg raises.
75 seconds hold in plank position.
Day 4:
35 minutes cardio at a steady pace representing 60% of your maximum heart rate (breathing should be heavier, holding a full conversation with ease should be troublesome at this point to give you an idea as to how this level should be represented physically.)
After completing the cardio section, please perform the following six times over:
20 lying leg raises.
20 crunches.
60 seconds in left hand side plank.
60 seconds in right hand side plank.
30 total Russian twists.
Day 5:
40 minutes cardio at a steady pace representing 60% of your maximum heart rate (breathing should be heavier, holding a full conversation with ease should be troublesome at this point to give you an idea as to how this level should be represented physically.)
After completing the cardio section, please perform the following six times over:
20 lying leg raises.
20 crunches.
75 seconds in left hand side plank.
75 seconds in right-hand side plank.
30 total Russian twists.
With your workouts, it’s important to keep progressing because your body will get used to what you are giving it.
Week 2 bump up your cardio to 40 minutes, week 3 make it 50 minutes and week 4 make it 60 minutes. Doing this will ensure you are progressing and keeping your body pushing forward which is imperative for fat loss.

The Nutrition Plan to get ripped!
Before we get onto your food plan we need to tidy a few things up.
Ideally, when you are getting shredded from home, you need to ensure cheat day is at the weekend. Ideally, just Saturday or Sunday as we don’t want to undo your hard work.
Alcohol strictly only for weekends. It’s catabolic so it stops you burning calories. Your body has to get rid of the alcohol before it can get rid of fat.
Green tea – Let’s swap your peppermint tea for green tea. You can get all sorts of amazing flavors and use sweeteners in it not sugar. Green tea is excellent for obliterating body fat.
Water: Drink at least 8 glasses a day (includes your green tea) – it will help further with weight loss.
3 egg whites 1 yolk with 2 slices of wholemeal toast, 1 coffee feel free to add in green, leafy veg.
1 scoop of a Diet Whey with unsweetened almond milk with 2 slices of wholemeal toast and one tablespoon of whole nut peanut butter.
100g (weighed dry) sweet potato.
Green salad with spinach & tomatoes.
125g grilled chicken fillet
12 brazil nuts
1 can of sugar-free pop
Or a sandwich consisting of:
2 slices of wholemeal bread
Green and leafy salad
Thick layer of light butter
1 tin of tuna or 1 grilled chicken breast fillet
10 brazil nuts
1 x Arla Protein yoghurt
One large handful of almonds
125g of lean meat:
Turkey mince, chicken, turkey, white fish, salmon.
100g White potatoes (dry weights)
Mixed Veg
You can use a light/low-calorie dressing
10 brazil nuts
Getting ripped is ultimately about losing body fat to reveal the muscle underneath. Ideally, you will need to be in a calorie deficit so the above food plan is a good example of how to eat healthily. Your protein needs to be high and your carbs clean and low. If you want to calculate exactly how many calories you need to lose body fat then a good place to go is this free calorie calculator. If you stick to a regular training regime and pair it with a good nutrition plan which is based on a calorie deficit you will shed body fat and appear much more shredded
BONUS: 3 extra advice on how to get ripped at home
Get inventive with props!
No workout kit? No problem! Furniture can be just as useful! If normal push-ups are too easy for you, try placing your feet on a chair – with the incline you’ll target different areas and place more emphasis on your upper chest and shoulders. On the other hand, if you find press-ups difficult, you can place your hands on the chair. If you struggle with a normal unweighted squat, you can try squatting onto a chair – it shortens the range of motion, which helps you maintain correct technique throughout.
Get inventive
When using bodyweight exercises, try working for a period of time instead of a set number of reps. Using compound movements such as squats, lunges, push-ups and burpees, start with 30 seconds of work and gradually increase that to 60 seconds. There are also many variations of each exercise, so if one is too simple then increase the difficulty by, say, doing a jump squat rather than a conventional squat.
Do a circuit
A super effective session is to work in a 30:30 format, which means 30 seconds of work with 30 seconds of rest on each exercise for a set amount of rounds. A good circuit would be bodyweight squats, reverse lunges, push-ups, burpees and mountain climbers. Perform the squats for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, then move on to the lunges and continue like that. When you’ve done that for all five exercises, rest for one to two minutes, then go again. Complete the circuit four to six times in total.